Electronics retailer Best Buy, which announced Wednesday that it will be expanding its Mac pilot program to about 200 stores, is expected to introduce a radically improved store-within-a-store concept at some locations.
"The difference," the analyst added, "is we expect some (smaller number) of these 200 stores will have walled-off Apple stores, while others will have improved layouts. "
Munster said it's clear from his checks that Best Buy customers "won't wander around" the stores to find Apple products. "A good way to think about Apple and Best Buy is the Coach or Chanel store within a store concept at Nordstrom," he wrote.
Best Buy plans to expand its Mac pilot to approximately 200 stores by fall 2007, up from 57 stores today. While that will account for only a 2 percent increase in physical Mac distribution points, Munster said his calculations indicate that the volume of visitors through Best Buy will actually equate to around a 10 percent increase in overall Mac exposure.
Still, the PiperJaffray analyst warned clients not to expect any material impact from Wednesday's announcement in Apple's June and September quarters, as the full-blown expansion will take some time to complete. However, he said the deal is an obvious indicator that Apple and Best Buy are seeing positive results from their initial tests.
"The relationship is headed in the right direction," wrote Munster. "Evidently the pilot is succeeding for both parties, which could result in a full expansion to Best Buy's 822 retail stores."
Apple's current "table" display at one Best Buy location | Source: CNet News.com
The move by Best Buy will more than offset the impeding closure 126 CompUSA retail stores, each of which featured an Apple store-within-a-store boutique, representing a net increase of 74 Mac distribution points to Apple's existing 7500 worldwide (or just shy of a 1 percent increase).
In addition to selling Macs and iPods, Best Buy last month agreed to carry the Mac maker's new Apple TV device at all of its retail locations nationwide.
Our Best Buy has an Apple TV hooked up to a PC, but it's not on display. It must be in the back room somewhere.
This sounds good though. It will cost both BB and Apple some money to do it. I wouldn't think they would spend it if they weren't seeing positive results, and at the same time recognising that the current plan isn't ideal.
Hopefully, they will have trained employees assigned to those stores, which if the volume is large enough, they would probably have to do.
Awesome. Now can they wall-off the Apple area from the woefully undertrained, Mac-ignorant Best Buy salespeople?:
Huh huh huh, we dig our PC spiffs!
i wish we had best buy or circuit city here in oz
Awesome. Now can they wall-off the Apple area from the woefully undertrained, Mac-ignorant Best Buy salespeople?: .
That has to be the case for this to succeed! Only Apple staff in Apple area, i.e. an IQ result over 120 and proper training. Maybe a hidden electric fence and pain collars for the PC staff to keep them out ?