iPhone hopefuls at Santa Clara's official Apple retail store were treated to a unique appearance by the company's co-creator, who both led the queue and provided a once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunity.
The lineup was for him a "celebration" that merited a visit, regardless of his company privileges. "I love to see the future early," he had said in advance of the release. To him, the phone was to be one of the first truly "human" phones meant for everyday users.
Understandably, the very earliest of Apple employees was greeted with a warm reception by both the store's employees and those who had arrived later to wait for the phone. But while he was treated as a VIP and had helped distribute fan-made T-shirts commemorating the event, Woz was evidently comfortable with the proceedings, mixing with the crowd instead of making the hasty exit associated with a celebrity.
Woz was also mindful of the retail stores' two-phone limit and walked out of the store with no more than those who followed afterwards, despite his ultimate intent to buy phones for all three of his children as soon as possible.
That has to be a very gratifying experience.
Woz's baby is all grows up!
Woz (the other steve), seems like such a down to earth guy.
BTW, iWoz was a great book.
I'm just surprised that he wasn't one of the very first people after Jobs to get one, at least a month ago.
Wow. He's put on a lot of weight.
those pictures are really great. I wonder what type of camera they were taken with?
and that's so cool to see your company so popular. wow.
Wow. He's put on a lot of weight.
He's always been larger, and now he's old; so naturally he would. So has Steve (Jobs), but he has never been as heavy as Woz.