A useful addition to Continuity in both macOS Sierra and iOS 10 is the Universal Clipboard, making it easier to shuttle content back and forth between Macs and iOS devices without AirDrop or other workarounds.
The addition is so simple as to be almost invisible. If you copy text, images, or video to one device's clipboard, it should be automatically uploaded to iCloud, making it ready to paste on another device.
The only catch is that all devices must be running either Sierra or iOS 10, and signed into the same Apple ID.
Of course, the fact that clipboard contents have to be uploaded to iCloud could introduce lag into the equation. This should be negligible for most text and images, but trying to copy videos may mean having to wait a few minutes or more, depending on bandwidth and the size of the file. It's not immediately clear if there will be a cap on clipboard filesizes.
Various third-party apps have offered the same feature over the years, but native inclusion by Apple should make it easier to use.
Both Sierra and iOS 10 are due to launch in the fall. In the meantime, developer betas are available, and public betas should arrive in July.
Well, file size is not really my main concern... I would love to know if it is 'last item only' or multiple clippings? Can't seem to find that information anywhere...
I think this is a really cool, useful feature! There have actually been times in the past where I have copied something on my iPhone, then realized, oh wait, I can't paste it into the document I'm working in on my iMac. Soon I'll be able to do that!
This was one thing I was really impressed with. Step up your game everyone
Solution has already been found in Copied app. I suspect that once people get used to Clipboard Sync even at a basic level many will seek out more powerful solutions. A win/win for all.