Updates to Apple's professional PowerBook line are nearly three months past due. Retail outlets have long since exhausted their inventory of the current PowerBook models and Apple's two major distributors are fairing no better.
According to continually reliable sources, the computer maker is still scrounging for ample supplies of faster G4 processors and have already been forced to rewrite the enabler code for the forthcoming units in favor of an alternative mobile G4 breed.
\"It's increasingly becoming a retail and revenue disaster,\" one source told AppleInsider. \"[Apple's] current plan is to salvage the update as soon as possible while rushing plans to deliver a G5 PowerBook within the first 3 months of the next calendar year.\"
An unconfirmed report claims that company has been toying with prototype PowerBook G5 enclosures sporting a technique (and appearance) similar to the Power Mac G5's honey-comb ventilation system.