Apple Computer seeded developers on Friday with the second external build of Mac OS X 10.3.4, which is labeled with build number 7H46.
In the accompanying notes to developers, Apple reiterated changes to application compatibility, device compatibility, Core OS, graphics, imaging, OpenGL, Core Audio and the Mac OS X High Level Toolbox. The company asked that developers focus their testing on these areas.
Apple also specified a small number of known issues with the latest build involving display resolutions that are not maintained between logins, machines experiencing problems waking up from sleep, and CD-R icons that remain on the desktop after CDs have been burnt and ejected. Additionally, Apple warned developers that Java 1.4.2 will not install over build 7H46, and install attempts would produce an error message.
Along with the new build, the company also provided developers with the latest version of the Mac OS X High Level Toolbox and HIServices. In a document Apple discussed a list of bug fixes in the two frameworks for Mac OS X 10.3.4; the list includes corrections in the area of control manager, drag manager, menu manager, text service manager, window manager and Internet Config.
Since the previous seed, sources said that Mac OS X 10.3.4 had swelled approximately 5.1 MB in size and is currently being distributed as a 38.7 MB MacBinary encoded disk image.
The last widespread seed of the Mac OS X was Mac OS X 10.3.4 build 7H41, which appeared on Apple's seeding servers a week ago.
A few screenshots should follow shortly.