Despite optimism Apple further delays liquid-cooled Power Macs

By Katie Marsal

Although the Apple Store this week remained optimistic that the it would begin shipping larger orders of its liquid-cooled dual processor 2.5GHz tomorrow, several customers began receiving word of further delays this afternoon.

To Our Valued Apple Customer:

Thank you for ordering the new Dual 2.5GHz Power Mac G5!

The demand for this item has been incredible. We are shipping them as quickly as possible, but cannot meet the ship date we previously estimated for you. We now expect to ship your Power Mac on or before August 20th.

Please rest assured that we fulfill all orders in the order they are received.

If we do not hear from you prior to shipment, we will assume the revised date is acceptable, and will ship your order. We will notify you if there are any changes to the revised ship date.

Earlier in the week Apple Store sources indicated that the company appeared to be on track to deliver the first batch of the new Power Macs by next week, but would not rule out further delays.

Several of the customers affected by the most recent delay appear to be some of the earliest purchasers, shedding doubt on the possibility that Apple will be able to meet its July delivery estimates.