First Google-branded Android phone to arrive at iPhone pricing

By Slash Lane

The first mobile handset running Google's Android software will showcase the search giant's brand and be priced in line with Apple's iPhone 3G, according to the Wall Street Journal.

In an article on its website Thursday, the financial paper said the HTC-manufacturered device, known amongst Internet circles as the Dream, will be priced at $199 and required a two-year service contract with T-Mobile when it's announced September 23rd.

In addition, the handset will feature co-branding from Google, which has reportedly helped T-Mobile finance some of the development efforts. Together, the pair plan to announce separate but "aggressively priced" data services packages for the device because Google "wants to see the phone sell at high volumes."

Among the Dream's features -- seen in the video below -- will be a large touch-screen, a track-ball for navigation and a swivel-out full keyboard, the Journal said. It will also run several Google applications, such as Maps, and feature an online market place akin to Apple's App Store.