Apple iPad internal hardware revealed in pictures by FCC [u]

By AppleInsider Staff

Photos of the internals of Apple's iPad were revealed by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission Friday, offering users their first glimpse into the device Apple has dubbed "magical" and "revolutionary." [Updated with new details]

Apple originally submitted the photos to the FCC on March 12, but they were not made publicly available until Friday. Apple covered over the specific chips on the hardware, concealing them from view.

Update: The blocked out components were removed the FCC PDF file by iFixit, which managed to reveal the A4 processor, NAND flash memory from Toshiba, and a Broadcom BCM5973 chip -- the same used in the third-generation iPod touch. The display also appears to be made by LG Philips.

"It looks like there is a LOT of glue holding these chips down to the board," the solutions provider wrote. "More than we've seen before -- Apple is really serious about durability on this thing."

The series of 17 internal pictures allow a clear view of the back of the display, the large, thin lithium-ion battery, the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radio and more. As with most portable devices from Apple, the iPad is a tightly packed machine with no room inside the case put to waste.

Also available for viewing is the iPad "Important Product Information Guide," which includes safety warnings and FCC regulations.

The device has an FCC ID of "BCG-E2381A." A few pictures are included below: