Apple releases universal WWDC app for iOS ahead of Monday's keynote

By AppleInsider Staff

Apple on Thursday released its official application for the annual Worldwide Developers Conference, a free tool that allows attendees to view schedules, make reservations and read the latest news.

The free application is universal iOS software, designed to take advantage of the different screen sizes of the iPhone and iPad. The 5.2MB download requires a device running iOS 4.2 or later.

"The WWDC 2011 app is your mobile guide to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference," Apple's official description reads. "Access a range of conference information on-the-go from your iPhone or iPad.

"You can quickly search the conference schedule, make a reservation at the User Interface, App Review, iTunes Connect, Program Support, or Developer Publications lab, view floor diagrams of Moscone West, and create a custom schedule of the sessions, labs, and events you plan on attending."

WWDC 2011 will begin on Monday, with a presentation by Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs and other members of the executive team. During the keynote, the company will highlight Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, and also unveil the never-before-seen iOS 5 and iCloud products.

The new WWDC 2011 application is free to download, but only those who are registered to attend the annual conference can log in and see the schedule of events. Features of the application, according to Apple, include: