Fortune releases new Kindle-exclusive eBook on the rise of Steve Jobs

By Mikey Campbell

Fortune magazine on Tuesday released "All About Steve: The Story of Steve Jobs and Apple from the pages of FORTUNE," an eBook available exclusively from Amazon's Kindle Store.

The eBook, which can also be read on an iPhone or iPad using Amazon's Kindle application, contains 17 stories spanning thirty years of reporting on Steve Jobs, who Fortune named CEO of the decade in 2009. The pieces, compiled from investigative reporting by the magazine's editors and reporters, take an in-depth look at how Jobs helped Apple change the computing industry.

The Amazon Kindle exclusive chronicles the history of Apple from its emergence as a PC market leader to the creation of the iPod, iTunes, iPhone and the Apple Store. Highlights from the eBook are an exclusive interview with Jobs from 2008, as well as Bill Gates and Jobs' conversation with Fortune from 1991 on the future of computing.

Fortune Managing Editor Andy Serwer writes in the forward that the eBook is a "singular journalistic collection" of stories that offer a comprehensive picture of Jobs and his impact on Apple.

"Jobs, a man both loved and loathed, encountered all manner of intrigue, brick walls, and pitfalls before his ultimate vindication," Serwer writes. "In many cases our writers spent hours interviewing Steve and delving into his mind."

The anthology also includes Adam Lashinsky's recent investigative piece, "Inside Apple," that gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at how the company operates. Business leaders such as Larry Ellison, Andy Grove and Andrea Jung also give commentary as to how Jobs changed the tech industry and the cultural landscape.

The eBook is available for download now on the Kindle Store, and is priced at $10.99.