Steve Jobs' $450 eyeglasses a hot seller following death

By AppleInsider Staff

Late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' trademark glasses, which cost roughly $450, have seen a dramatic spike in sales since his passing.

Jobs' preferred glasses were the German Lunor Classic Rund PP. The cover of the recently released "Steve Jobs" biography prominently featured a photo of him wearing a pair.

Lunor's website currently advertises the frames as "The Glasses of Steve Jobs," as noted by a report from The Wall Street Journal.

At a recent optical trade show in Hong Kong, Power Bloom, the Asian distributor of the glasses, set up a tribute to Jobs in a display case with the frames.

“Steve Jobs 1955-2011: We have lost an ultimate genius. What he has left us are his overwhelming ideas and his favorite glasses,” the display read.

A display for Steve Jobs' trademark glasses at a trade show in Hong Kong. Credit: Alex Frangos/Wall Street Journal.

According to Garick Tsui, a marketing executive for Power Bloom, sales of the round-lensed glasses have "dramatically increased" in the weeks after Jobs died.

“After he passed, many, many clients and customers asked for these glasses,” he said, estimating that sales were in the hundreds.

When questioned whether the company might be inappropriately profiting from his death, Tsui simply replied, "People see these as a tribute to Mr. Jobs."

Due to complications with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, Jobs passed away on Oct. 5 at age 56.