A beta test page for Apple's iCloud service has suggested Apple is planning to add the ability to access synced Notes and Reminders from the website.
The site beta.icloud.com was sporadically accessible on Friday after it was discovered by developer Steve Troughton-Smith. In addition to the usual Mail, Contacts and Calendar, the site also included iOS-style icons for the Notes and Reminders applications.
Another space was also included in the beta site for iCloud for another service, though the image link was broken and did not display. It's unclear whether the website was a beta for iCloud before it launched last year, or if it was a test for a forthcoming update to the service.
"The beta version of iCloud.com requires a developer account and setting up your Apple ID with latest iOS or OS X," the site read, with links to "Learn More" or "Sign In."
However, the beta site for iCloud was not functional as of Friday, as attempts to sign in to the page were not successful. The site has since been pulled offline, and forwards to Apple's overview page for the iCloud service.

The beta site is the second unintentional iCloud-related leak from Apple this week. On Tuesday, the regular iCloud.com site showed a test banner notification to users, suggesting that feature is also in the works for the iCloud website.