Apple says App Store app crashing error has been fixed

By Josh Ong

Apple said on Thursday that it had "rectified" an issue with an App Store DRM server that was causing newly-updated applications to crash on launch.

The Cupertino, Calif., company told AllThingsD in a statement that the problem had only affected a small number of users.

“We had a temporary issue that began yesterday with a server that generated DRM code for some apps being downloaded,” the company said. “The issue has been rectified and we don’t expect it to occur again."

Users who are still experiencing the issue were directed to delete the applications in question and reinstall them. Earlier on Thursday, Apple reportedly told developers that it was aware of the issue and "working to resolve" it.

Marco Arment, the developer behind the popular read-it-later app "Instapaper," called attention to the problem earlier this week. Counter to Apple's claims that the issue's impact was limited, Arment collected a list of more than 100 apps affected by the problem before he stopped keeping track.

Some app publishers are calling for Apple to remove negative app reviews unfairly that blame developers for the crashing. Macworld reports that, according to its sources, Apple will remove one-star reviews arising from the issue.

The App Store has had an eventful few days. Apple revealed on Thursday that it had removed a Russian malware application from the store after security researchers discovered that the offending app would upload a user's address book without permission and spam contacts with a link to the application.