Steve Jobs joins George Washington, others in TIME's most influential Americans list

By AppleInsider Staff

Late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was named one of the 20 most influential people in American history according to a TIME feature released on Tuesday, and sits alongside the likes of George Washington, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein.

The TIME report names 20 "trailblazers, visionaries and cultural ambassadors who defined a nation" in chronological order with Jobs rounding out the list as the most recent "influential American."

TIME calls Jobs the "high priest of the computer age" and runs through a brief history of Apple and its products, and the tech guru's ultimately life-ending battle with pancreatic cancer.

From Steve Jobs' short TIME bio:

There was always something of the monkish seeker about Steve Jobs, from his days as a part-time student at Reed College in Oregon, through his Wanderjahr in Asia to his pursuit of perfection in the dazzling products he and his colleagues created.

Jobs was a visionary whose great genius was for design: he pushed and pushed to make the interface between computers and people elegant, simple and delightful. He always claimed his goal was to create products that were “insanely great.” Mission accomplished.

The usual suspects like Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford and Martin Luther King Jr. populate the rest of the top-20 while noted pugilist and outspoken racial equality proponent Mohammed Ali is both the only athlete featured and last living list member.

TIME's 20 Most Influential Americans

Influential Americans

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Sacagawea, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

Abraham Lincoln

Sitting Bull

Alexander G. Bell

Thomas Edison

Henry Ford

Wright Brothers

Margaret Sanger

Albert Einstein

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Louis Armstrong

James Watson

Martin Luther King Jr.

Muhammad Ali

Steve Jobs