Apple releases OS X 10.8.4 with Wi-Fi & Exchange improvements

By Sam Oliver

Apple on Tuesday released OS X 10.8.4, its latest security and maintenance update for the Mountain Lion operating system for Mac, improving Wi-Fi connectivity and Microsoft Exchange compatibility, and also fixing an issue that prevented making FaceTime calls to non-U.S. numbers.

The OS X 10.8.4 update is now available for Mountain Lion users through the Mac App Store. A system restart is required once the update has been installed, and it is recommended by Apple for all users.

The full list of changes in OS X 10.8.4, according to Apple, are:


was first to report last week that the release of OS X 10.8.4 was imminent, as Apple closed the seed project for developer testing. In a note to developers last week, Apple thanked participants for testing, and noted that materials related to the seeding project would be shut down.

Prior to Tuesday's release, there were a total of eight betas of OS X 10.8.4 released, in which developers were asked to focus their testing on Wi-Fi, Graphics Drivers and Safari. Earlier builds of the software signaled that Apple is also testing high-speed 802.11ac Wi-Fi in OS X, suggesting the hardware capabilities are likely to appear in future Macs.