Apple's iPad to handle Little League World Series scorekeeping

By Kevin Bostic

Apple's iPad will serve as the official scoring and record recording device used by officials during the 2013 Little League Baseball and Softball World Series, replacing the traditional pen-and-paper method currently in use..

Using the GameChanger app on a total of 35 separate iPads, Little League World Series officials will track stats and stream live game updates for nine World Series events and 10 region championship tournaments. Every pitch this summer will be tracked for the nine separate regional and international tournaments across multiple age groups.

For local Little League teams, Game Changer is also available as a free service for both iPad and iPhone, as well as Android phones. In total, 90,000 teams around the world will use GameChanger to track scores and performances this season.

In addition to tracking scores and stats, the app generates generates batting spray charts, animated play updates for remote followers, and instant game recap articles. A desktop version is also available.

The app also allows parents and families of Little Leaguers to follow game updates through their own GameChanger installations. Little League officials believe the addition of Apple's technology will open new possibilities for players and their families.

"With 2.4 million Little Leaguers around the world, modern technology is a great asset in communicating with all our players, coaches, families, volunteers and fans," said Stephen D. Keener, Little League Baseball and Softball President and CEO. "Utilizing GameChanger for scorekeeping and live game updates, will bring the Little League experience to life to an online and mobile audience like never before."