Apple updates Find My iPhone, Podcasts, Trailers iOS apps [u]

By AppleInsider Staff

Amid the deluge of product announcements and software updates, Apple snuck out new versions of its free Find My iPhone, Podcasts and iTunes Trailers apps, redressing the titles in iOS 7 regalia.

While not much has changed content-wise with the three free apps, their respective user interfaces and icons have been worked over to yield a sufficiently "flat" aesthetic.

Apple notes each of the three apps have been redesigned for iOS 7, but beyond that only the Podcasts app has gained a set of new features.

The poorly reviewed app has added a new search bar and now supports background updating and downloading even while the app isn't running. This will allow users to stay up to date with the latest podcast episodes without having to constantly open the app to check for new content.

Find My iPhone also brings a new uncluttered interface with bright lines and graphics. Capabilities remain largely the same as past iterations, including device tracking via Lost Mode, remote locking and wiping, and most recent location data.

Finally, iTunes Movie Trailers with a dark color theme and simple UI. Users are still able to check ratings, reviews and showtimes for upcoming movies.

Podcasts, Find My iPhone and iTunes Movie Trailers are all free and come in at 5.6MB, 5.1MB and 3MB, respectively. The apps can be downloaded via the iOS App Store.

Update: Apple has released updated versions of its free Find My iPhone, Podcasts and Traliers apps.