MacMall launches Black Friday sale, prices may hint at Apple's official discounts; $699 MB Air

By AppleInsider Staff

Authorized Apple resellers begun unveiling their Black Friday deals on Wednesday, with discounts of roughly $101 off Macs and as much as $70 off new iPad Air models-- but none on Retina iPad minis -- potentially hinting at the kinds of discounts Apple will or will not provide at its own stores. Meanwhile, more AppleInsider exclusives and a $699.99 MacBook Air doorbuster are also up for grabs.

MacMall Black Friday Sale

Some highlights of MacMall's Black Friday sale, which begins now and runs through Friday, include:

MacMall's sales suggest that Apple may not be offering special pricing on the new iPad mini with Retina display for this year's Black Friday sales event. This is in line with previous years, as Apple does not usually offer discounts on items that are in limited supply.

Meanwhile, MacMall has also extended AppleInsider readers exclusives discounts on 7 MacBook Pro configurations when using the links in this article or our price guides below (updated regularly at and then manually applying Promo Code APPLEINSIDER01. In our price guides, Macs that have exclusive discounts for BlackFriday have an exclamation point (!) after their price , while those with special pricing for AppleInsider readers via the aforementioned Promo Code have a carrot (^) after their price. It should be noted that MacMall also only charges sales tax on orders shipped to CA, NY, IL, WI, MN, CO, TN, NC and GA. Readers can also check out how MacMall's prices stack up against the competition when 3-yeas of AppleCare are purchased on the same order via our New Mac + AppleCare Price Guide.

Discounts on iPods are also available, with $11 off iPod nanos, up to $31 off iPod touch models, and $11 savings on the iPod classic. The Apple TV is also available with a $9 savings, while $21 can be had off the AirPort Extreme Base Station and AirPort Time Capsule.

The discounts advertised by MacMall may offer an indication of what Apple plans to offer for its own Black Friday discounts, both at the company's retail outlets and its online store. Readers who pick up new gear over Black Friday should also consider trading in their old iPads, iPhones, and Macs for cash to help offset the costs.

This Black Friday, most Apple Retail Stores will open at 6 a.m. local time, according to Gary Allen of ifoAppleStore. Closing times will vary, but many locations will have special hours open until 10 p.m.