Google Play Movies & TV now available for iOS

By AppleInsider Staff

Google on Wednesday released an iOS version of the company's Google Play Movies & TV, granting users playback and streaming access to content purchased online or on an Android device.

Google Play Movies & TV

for iOS offers a way for Google Play customers to view their content on Apple devices, including the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. As an added bonus, Chromecast owners can stream content to their televisions directly from an iOS device.

While the overall app design and user interface is much like the Android Google Play Store app, functionality of the iOS title is limited to content consumption. Users can sign in and browse through their collection of videos, but Google has opted not to activate purchases, possibly because Apple would get a percentage of each sale.

Instead, users must visit the Google Play website to buy movies and TV shows, which are then made available on the iOS app for streaming over Wi-Fi. Currently, the app does not allow offline viewing.

Google Play Movies & TV for iOS is a free 4.9MB download from the App Store.