Bollywood choreographer subject of latest 'Your Verse' story in iPad ad campaign

By AppleInsider Staff

Apple on Monday posted to its website the latest installment of its "Your Verse" ad campaign, this time focusing on Bollywood choreographer Feroz Khan and his the day-to-day with the iPad Air.

Like previous Your Verse segments, Khan's story is painted with rich interactive Web content and text describing how the iPad Air has become an essential tool in creating unforgettable dance scenes.

Apple's iPad Air, with its powerful hardware, huge app library and portable design, allows Khan to carry one piece of equipment where he would otherwise have to tote multiple tools. For example, the iPad replaces a camera, binders, sketchbooks, voice recorders, a laptop and loupe.

"As a Bollywood choreographer, I don't just direct dance movements," Khan is quoted as saying. "I also scout locations, help choose costumes and props, and stay in touch constantly with the team. I depend on my iPad Air for all of it."

Khan uses apps like Pinterest to gather inspiration for his next shoot, while more technical titles like SloPro allow enhanced on-the-spot dance recording and analysis. Instead of filming with a standard camera setup and processing at home, the choreographer can shoot dance moves at 1000 frames per second and analyze the shot frame-by-frame, sharing feedback with actors all while on set.

Artemis HD is also showcased as a time-saving tool that lets Khan view scenes with virtual analogs of cameras used by a movie's director of photography. By selecting camera type, Khan can experiment with different lens settings to collaborate on how to best capture the moment.

The full story is now live on Apple's dedicated Your Verse webpage.