Samsung says iPhone 5s users have 'screen envy' of Galaxy S5 in latest ad

By AppleInsider Staff

In a commercial released on Monday, Samsung goes after Apple's rumored larger-screened iPhone offerings expected to launch this fall, saying the Galaxy smartphone line has had the feature for two years.

Source: Samsung via YouTube

The ad is an obvious dig at Apple's reluctance to roll out big-screened "phablet" phones, instead opting for more manageable screen sizes with ratios both conducive the one-handed use and backwards compatibility with older apps.

Two friends sit at a coffee bar, one with an iPhone 5s, the other with a Galaxy S5. The iPhone owner makes a comment about rumors regarding Apple's expected launch of a larger-screened "iPhone 6."

"That hasn't happened yet," the Samsung user asks before a narrator says, "You know that thing you've been waiting on for like two years, and how it's supposed to be awesome and how it's going to blow your mind? Well it's been here this whole time. But maybe you like waiting."

The two friends compare phones, with the 4-inch iPhone 5s showing a Macworld article regarding rumors of the so-called "iPhone Air," which is thought to hit later this year with a 5.5-inch screen.

The Galaxy owner says, "You must be happy," before stepping out to answer a call.

Interestingly, the Galaxy S5 employs a 5.1-inch screen, a size in between Apple rumored next-gen hardware, which is thought to be coming in 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch flavors.