Customers line up at boutique fashion retailers, Japanese electronics stores for Apple Watch debut

By AppleInsider Staff

Prospective Apple Watch buyers are queuing up outside high-end fashion outlets scheduled carry the device on launch day, an odd scene for those accustomed to seeing those same lines at Apple's own stores for a big product debut.

Source: CNET via Twitter

With Apple Watch already reaching customers in Australia, fans anxious to get a copy on launch day must have preordered on April 10 or live in one of six locations where the device is slated to go on sale in extremely limited quantities. People are already lining up in preparation, but not outside of Apple Stores.

As reported yesterday, a few fashion boutiques will stock Watch for sale on Friday, local time. Apple selected Colette in Paris, Dover Street Market in London and Tokyo, Maxfield in Los Angeles, the Corner in Berlin and 10 Corso Como in Milan as launch outlets, foregoing availability at its own brick-and-mortar locations.

Pictured above is Maxfield in L.A., where a handful of early birds are saving their spot hours ahead of release.

It appears Apple Watch will also be available at two of Japan's largest electronics resellers, Yodobashi Camera and Bic Camera. Photos posted to Twitter showed signage saying certain locations will have Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch models in stock on day one.