Jony Ive makes list of influential tech execs, Apple retakes top spot in brand rankings

By Roger Fingas

On Wednesday Apple's newly-minted Chief Design Officer, Jony Ive, came second to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on a Juniper Research list of the most influential technology executives in 2015, while Apple as a whole reclaimed the top spot on a Millward Brown chart of the world's most valuable brands.

Jony Ive. | Source: Sotheby's

The Juniper rankings are based on subjective criteria such as vision, innovation, and personal capital. Ive's position on the list is connected to the Apple Watch, which Juniper said will be a benchmark for smartwatches. Ive is also noted to have set "very strict" guidelines for Watch app design, conformed to the device's shape and the "glance habit it engenders."

Nadella took the top position on the list for making a "fundamental change" to Microsoft's business model, transforming Windows into more of a service. The approach should result in a different development process at the company, Juniper said.

Other executives in the top 10 include: Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, Alibaba chairman Jack Ma, Google ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) director Paul Eremenko, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun.

Notably absent from the top 10 is Apple CEO Tim Cook, who is frequently cited in other lists of influential leaders and executives. Ive though has been considered extremely important to Apple, responsible for the core designs of products like the iPhone and iPad.

His promotion to Chief Design Officer will actually pull him away from direct involvement with product design. Although he will retain leadership in that area, he will also be tasked with overseeing things like construction projects. Filling in the gaps will be Richard Howarth -- assuming control of industrial design -- and Alan Dye, now in charge of user interface design.

Millward Brown reproted that Apple regained control of its BrandZ chart (PDF) from Google via a 67 percent jump year-over-year, putting its estimated brand value at about $247 billion. The increase is linked mostly to the success of the iPhone 6, but also to offerings like the Apple Watch, HealthKit, and Apple Pay.

Google's value also increased in 2015, but only 9 percent to $173.7 billion. Microsoft advanced 28 percent to $115.5 billion, putting it in third place.

Apple's BrandZ value has grown the most among any company in the last 10 years, by 1,446 percent. Millward Brown bases its rankings on the opinions of 3 million people spread across 50 countries.