As Apple Music nears its June 30 debut more information is coming out regarding Apple's fee structure as applied to the service's 90-day free trial, with reports on Wednesday now pegging the number at 0.2 cents per play.

Citing music executives familiar with the matter, The New York Times reports Apple's deal with labels has the company shelling out 0.2 cents for songs streamed during a free 90-day Apple Music trial period. The amount is comparable to free tier rates paid by competing streaming services, sources said.
In addition to the per-play fee, Apple is also paying a smaller sum to publishers for songwriting rights. Publishing companies confirmed that negotiations are still in flux less than one week from Apple Music's launch.
On Tuesday, Apple inked eleventh-hour deals with Merlin and Beggars Group, which represent a large swath of indie labels and distributors.
The company came under fire this week when Taylor Swift made much ado over the loss of income artists would face as a result of Apple's previous terms. After modifying Music's royalty structure, Apple SVP of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue spoke to Swift, reporting back that she was "thrilled" with the changes.
Apple Music came under fire over the weekend when pop icon Taylor Swift posted to her blog a letter to Apple bemoaning the company's reluctance to pay out royalties during the 90-day free trial. In response, Apple SVP of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue announced Apple would foot the bill for free trial streams.