Apple on Tuesday posted two new profiles to its "iPad in Education" subsite as part of an ongoing campaign to promote the tablet's uses in arts and science classrooms.

The first concentrates on Philadelphia Performing Arts, a K-12 charter school that also mixes in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) curricula. In addition to Apple-made apps like iTunes U and the iWork suite, the school also makes use of third-party apps like the augmented reality title Elements 4D.
The second focuses more narrowly on Jodie Deinhammer, who teaches anatomy and physiology at the Coppell Independent School District in Texas. Aside from apps like BioDigital Human, an emphasis is on interactive textbooks from iBooks, such as Deinhammer's own Health: Inside Out.
In all there are now 17 profiles on Apple's educational site. The company has worked intensely to market the iPad to schools, selling it as both an easier and a novel way of teaching.
Last year it suffered a high-profile failure with the L.A. Unified School District, however, and there is now increasingly tough competition from devices like Chromebooks, which can be cheaper for schools to buy and maintain.