Apple's website hints 'OS X' to be rebranded as 'MacOS'

By Roger Fingas

Adding to the evidence that Apple is intending to change the name of OS X, the company on Thursday posted an updated webpage referring to the software as "MacOS" instead.

The term can be found on an FAQ page within Apple's Environment subsite, specifically in a section about greenhouse gases and product lifecycles. The text is the only direct reference to either Macs or OS X in the FAQ -- notably, the rest of Apple's website still appears to insist on using "OS X."

In late March it was discovered that one framework in OS X 10.11.4 refers to "macOS." Employing the term in a public-facing webpage more strongly suggests this wasn't a fluke. The change was spotted by 9to5Mac earlier today.

Switching to MacOS/macOS would align the platform's branding with Apple's other operating systems: iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Intentionally or not, it would also be a throwback to the earlier days of the Mac between 1984 and 2001.

Apple is mostly likely to announce any name change at its Worldwide Developer Conference in early June, and launch a new Mac operating system later in the year.