Latest Apple Campus 2 construction video highlights glass install, fuel cells

By Mike Wuerthele

New aerial footage of Apple's Campus 2 shows the glass panel installation surrounding the main building near complete, and installation of more power stations across the facility.

The interior of the Apple Campus is now completely obscured by the massive curved glass panels custom fabricated for the project that measure up to 46 feet wide, and 10.5 feet long.

Other work progression shown in the video includes a massive array of bicycle parking, fuel cell installations near the highway next to the campus, further progress on other support buildings on adjacent Tantau Avenue, and most of the HVAC installations complete. Additionally, the parking garage appears to be almost ready for use, with paving complete on bridges and ramps.

The new auditorium's lobby was just framed out in the last video, and is now completely clad. Buried structures on campus are nearly obscured, with a corresponding decrease in the stories-high dirt pile used for the task.

In 2011, Steve Jobs announced the project to the world, saying over 12,000 employees would work in the 2.8-million-square-foot "Spaceship" structure. Edible landscaping, walking paths, and other "green" measures are being implemented construction, to minimize the overall impact the facility makes on the environment.

Apple's related Phase 2 project adds additional workspace adjacent to the "Spaceship," and includes a renewable energy-powered small data center.

A new micro-grid installed on the campus is reportedly capable of handling about 75 percent of the facility's power requirements during work hours, supplemented by Bloom Energy-provided fuel cells. Bloom Energy provided similar cells to Apple previously for use at the North Carolina data center.

Campus 2 is expected to be completed by the end of 2016, with the satellite facilities' construction extending into 2017.