Investor survey suggests massive demand for AirPods, growth potential for Apple Watch

By Mike Wuerthele

In a survey performed by Bank of America and Merrill Lynch, 12 percent of consumers have intentions to purchase Apple's wireless AirPods, possibly leading to billions in sales for Apple.

Over 1,000 customers were polled about Apple's new Apple Watch offerings, and the AirPods. While the 12% looking to buy the AirPods sight unseen, only 8% were planning on a purchase of the Apple Watch Series 2.

Most of the people (56%) said that they had no interest in the Airpods claimed that their current headphones were sufficient for their needs. Just over 40% of the respondents said that the AirPods were too expensive to consider purchasing.

The news about Apple Watch purchase intent gleaned from the polling isn't bad. Of the 8% of the total respondent pool who declared that they were planning on buying the Apple Watch Series 2, 70 percent would be new buyers.

Back of America Merrill Lynch notes that the survey is not necessarily representative of immediate purchase intentions.

Both the Apple Watch Series 2 and AirPods were announced at the September "See you on the 7th" release event.

The AirPods come packed with advanced technology like Apple's new W1 wireless chip, beam-forming microphones, accelerometers, infrared sensors, and more. AirPods will ship in October for $159.

The second-generation Apple Watch Series 2 shipped alongside the iPhone 7, and boasts GPS capabilities, a faster dual-core processor than the original, and a swim-proof housing. Prices start at $369.