Apple Pay Vice President Jennifer Bailey to speak at Code Commerce event

By Mike Wuerthele

The Apple executive vice president tapped to helm Apple Pay, Jennifer Bailey, will be speaking with Kara Swisher at the Code Commerce conference in Las Vegas on Dec. 6.

Bailey has been at Apple since 2013, and was first tapped to lead Apple's e-commerce efforts. She was moved to Apple Pay in 2014. Bailey presented the updates to Apple Pay to attendees of the 2015 WWDC.

Also expected at the conference are mobile-centric shopping service Wish's CEO Peter Szulczewski, and Square founder and CEO Jack Dorsey. Bailey last spoke to Re/Code during the 2015 Code/Mobile conference.

Apple Pay itself is poised for two big launches in the coming months. On Wednesday, Apple posted a support page for the payment service, suggesting a launch to come shortly.

Additionally, during Tuesday's quarterly and annual Apple earnings announcement, CEO Tim Cook said that a launch in Spain would happen "in the next few months."