With Verizon, Comcast, Spectrum customers still waiting, Cable One joins Apple's Single Sign-On

By Mike Wuerthele

Apple has added cable company Cable One to its Single Sign-On feature for iOS and tvOS, while most cable subscribers in the U.S. still can't utilize the feature at all.

Apple on Thursday added Cable One to the list of partners compatible with the Single Sign-On feature. Cable One joins an assortment of other similarly-sized cable companies on the list, alongside major providers DirecTV, Dish, and Sling.

Cable One is based out of Phoenix, Ariz, and serves approximately 750,000 customers in 19 states.

The Single-Sign On feature rolled out with iOS 10.2 and tvOS 10.1, and allows users with an Apple TV or iOS device enter their cable, satellite, or streaming TV credentials once, and have them automatically entered into third-party apps that require subscription account information.

Still missing are a number of major services spanning millions of viewers, such as Google Fiber, AT&T U-verse, Verizon Fios, Charter Spectrum, Cox Cable, and Comcast Xfinity. Based on remarks from the cable companies, the omissions have more to do with the cable companies than Apple.

"It won't be available at launch," Cox representative Todd Smith noted when the feature was in beta testing. "But, we'll keep an eye on it like any other new development."