Apple has updated all four of its developer betas, with fourth releases of iOS 11, macOS 10.13 High Sierra, tvOS 11, and WatchOS 4.

The macOS High Sierra update, with build number 17A315i, contains a number of refinements and other improvements like Apple File System integration, migration from H.264 to H.265, and Metal 2. There are no specified foci of testing for the latest release.
The fourth iOS 11 beta, has build number 15A5327g. The most notable changes in iOS 11 overall are back-end enhancements and an improved voice for Siri, plus Apple Pay and Photos services enhancements. The Do Not Disturb While Driving feature was introduced during the second beta.
Changes to iOS 11 developer beta 4 that have been spotted include modifications to Notifications, as well as new icons for Contacts, Notes, and Reminders.
Apple's tvOS beta is labeled as build 15J5333f. Release notes for the tvOS beta remain very short, with very few issues noted or changes specified.
Apple's watchOS beta 4 has build number 15R5331g. Prior betas delivered the announced "Toy Story" watch faces to testers, and also fixed issues related to haptic feedback, music playback, location-based HomeKit triggers and Siri usability.
Registered devices can get the new beta releases through the Software Update feature, while stand-alone images are available through Apple's Developers portal.