An "Xbox Watch" prototype has been unearthed and brought back to life, showing what Microsoft had in mind for its first, true smart watch after a failed effort in the beginning of the century.
The first known pictures of the device running appear to show a device with heart rate monitoring, guided app-driven workouts, and GPS tracking.
Try to feel terrible resolution of Xbox Watch... If you find the Xbox Watch can't be recharged, you can disassemble the screen with an utility knife or a razor, then hit the positive pole on the battery with piezoelectric ceramic igniter from a lighter.
-- Hikari Calyx (@Hikari_Calyx) January 22, 2018
More details.
-- Hikari Calyx (@Hikari_Calyx) January 22, 2018
Twitter user Hikari Calyx posted the pictures, as well as a teardown of the device.
The Xbox Watch - Teardown
-- Hikari Calyx (@Hikari_Calyx) January 22, 2018
Now you can post an article about this if you are an editor.
Microsoft's early SPOT watch was capable of passively receiving FM data pushes shipping until 2008. Modern rumors of Microsoft working on a smart watch date back to 2013, with reports of the Apple Watch starting in 2011.