Robert Mueller spotted at Apple store Genius Bar appointment

By Stephen Silver

The Russia special prosecutor was photographed getting his MacBook looked at, or perhaps setting up new devices, at an Apple retail outlet in Washington D.C.'s Georgetown section.

Kelly Cohen's Robert Mueller tweet


last week detailed how former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's misuse of iCloud helped lead to his downfall. It turns out the man who prosecuted him, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, is an Apple user himself.

Journalist Kelly Cohen of the Washington Examiner posted a photo to Twitter Wednesday of Mueller getting his MacBook Pro looked at by an Apple Store associate, along with a woman who appears to be Mueller's wife. It's not clear if it's an older model being serviced, a new one being set up or a personal laptop being used to configure new portable devices. It appears that a wrapped Apple Watch and at least one other item are on the table as well.

Cohen identified the Apple Store location as the Georgetown store in Washington, D.C., and said that the photo was a screenshot posted to Instagram by a friend of a friend:

The replies to Cohen's tweet soon broke into an impromptu caption contest among journalists, Twitter wags, and Russia scandal buffs:

Apple Georgetown was Apple's first in the nation's capital when it opened in 2008, although the very first Apple Store was located nearby in McLean, Va.

Mueller, the former FBI director who was appointed special counsel for the Russia investigation in May of 2017, also worked as an attorney for WilmerHale, a law firm that has long represented Apple. It's not clear how much or any legal work he ever did personally on behalf of the company.

It's not known if the MacBook Pro he took to the Apple Store is for personal or work use, but if it's the latter, and it's broken, there may be a great deal riding on whether or not that Genius was able to repair it.