Last call: Enter to win a Gigabyte RX 580 Gaming Box with AMD Radeon 580 graphics card for your MacBook Pro

By Christine McKee

Gigabyte's RX 580 Gaming Box, complete with an AMD 8GB Radeon 580 video card, is up for grabs this week during our holiday giveaway. This portable eGPU solution features Thunderbolt 3 plug and play connectivity for use with USB-C Macs, including current MacBook Pros.

Valued at $420, we're giving away one RX 580 Gaming Box that was gently used for testing purposes only. Entering the giveaway is quick and easy. Simply retweet this tweet or subscribe to our YouTube channel using the widget below. You can also gain additional entries by following us on Instagram to view exclusive photos from Apple events.

The entry period for this giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. Pacific on Nov. 29, and the winner will be announced here on Nov. 30. Definitely check back to see if you've won. No purchase is necessary to enter, and the sweepstakes is open to U.S. residents aged 18 years and older. Please note, contest entries will be verified upon selecting a winner. Best of luck!

Gigabyte RX 580 Gaming Box Giveaway

Apple Deals


and Apple authorized resellers are also running a handful of additional exclusive promotions this month on Apple hardware that will not only deliver the lowest prices on many of the items, but also throw in discounts on AppleCare, software and accessories. These deals are as follows: