First Alert rolls out second-gen, HomeKit-compatible Onelink Smart Smoke + Carbon Monoxide Alarm

By Roger Fingas

First Alert on Monday launched a second generation of the Onelink Smart Smoke + Carbon Monoxide Alarm, compatible with Apple HomeKit and Amazon Alexa.

The new model is available in both wired and battery-equipped versions, and intended to provide more information than a regular alarm, with voice alerts that explain what caused a problem -- fire or carbon monoxide -- and where it's happening. Multiple Onelink alarms can trigger each other through a Bluetooth mesh network.

HomeKit compatibility allows notifications through Apple's Home app, and the option of creating special emergency automations. In the case of a fire, for example, a Onelink could automatically open smartlocks, turn on lights, and disengage a furnace.

The Smart Smoke + Carbon Monoxide Alarm lacks some of the features of First Alert's more costly Safe & Sound. The latter has a better speaker, which can play music, take Alexa voice commands, and will eventually get AirPlay 2 support for HomeKit audio integration.

The Smoke + Carbon Monoxide Alarm officially retails for $119.99, but is currently available from Amazon for $95.99. The first shipments should arrive before Christmas.