Apparent Apple Card snafu attributes AT&T charges to small Dallas accounting firm

By Mikey Campbell

Some Apple Card users recently noticed a discrepancy on their rolling statements, with AT&T charges mistakenly attributed to Dallas tax accounting firm Waters, Hardy & Co.

Problems associated with the odd mixup began to crop up on Thursday, when a number of users saw aberrant transactions appear in their Wallet app, reports MacRumors.

Some Apple Card owners traced the error back to what seems to be a mislabeled AT&T charge. Instead of properly assigning certain charges to AT&T, Apple Card processing is for some reason ascribing those purchases to the tax firm. The mistake is expectedly causing confusion for card holders who keep close track of their spending.

Waters, Hardy & Co., which has received a deluge of calls from confused Apple Card customers, confirmed the problem in a statement posted to Facebook on Wednesday.

If you see a charge on your Apple credit card from "Waters, Hardy & Company CPA" please know this was not us and we did not receive the funds. Please check your At&t account as we were told by some it was in fact their bill with our name listed as the merchant. This afternoon we have received hundreds of calls from all over the United States regarding this matter, so much so we had to turn off our phones. We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. Thank you!

What, exactly, is causing the issue is unclear. Apple has not commented on the matter and it is unknown when the problem will be resolved.

"This has been an incredible challenge for us. We are a 10 person office and are up against a 10/15/20 filing deadline for extended income tax returns. Our staff have been having to answer the phones instead of working on our clients' returns," Richard Waters told AppleInsider. "None of our clients are able to get through to us. It is so bad, we had to turn on the auto operator and leave a message to the callers explaining what has happened. We are trying to reach someone at Apple, AT&T or Goldman Sachs that can help us, but have had absolutely no success."

Support personnel have reportedly affirmed the error to one Apple Card user, who was told the company is aware of the issue. Beyond an inconvenience to users, however, the snafu does not appear to have any material effect on payment routing.

Updated with statement from Richard Waters.