New 'Behind the Mac' ad features Kendrick Lamar, Gloria Steinem, Billie Eilish, more

By AppleInsider Staff

Aired during Apple's "One More Thing" special event on Tuesday, a new "Behind the Mac" ad showcases notable figures who use the platform to create music, television, movies and more.


Like past "Behind the Mac" campaigns, today's spot runs just over a minute in length and features celebrities, musicians, journalists and other content creators who rely on Mac for work.

Set to Raury's "Take Back the Power," the ad transitions between photographs and video clips of Kendrick Lamar, Gloria Steinem, Billie Eilish, RuPaul, Tarana Burke, Spike Lee, Stephen Colbert, Takashi Murakami, and Saul Perlmutter. They are all seen using Mac -- typically some ilk of MacBook -- as they work on their respective projects.

According to Apple, those who participated in the commercial "honor", an organization that seeks to build a diverse tech workforce by providing equal access to STEM for students of color.

The series first aired in 2018, with subsequent permutations focusing on celebrity use. A type of customer testimonial, the ads are expertly crafted to show, not tell, Mac's ability to augment, enhance and facilitate the creative process.