Rapper Soulja Boy claims Steve Jobs gave him the first iPhone

By Wesley Hilliard

Soulja Boy claims he was the first rapper to get the original iPhone, handed to him by Steve Jobs himself while filming a music video.

Soulja Boy says Steve Jobs gave him the first iPhone

Soulja Boy says Steve Jobs gave him the first iPhone

According to Soulja Boy, he was filming the music video for the hit "Crank That" in 2007 when the Apple team came. He made the claim during a podcast interview for "Million Dollaz Worth Of Game."

"It was 'Crank That' video shoot 2007," said Soulja Boy. "Steve Jobs and the Apple team came. I was in the swimming pool, doing the instructional dance. Showing the people how to do the dance. They came, they brought me the iPhone."

Cult of Macchecked the claim

, and confirmed that Soulja Boy did in fact meet with Apple personnel during the video shoot. However, the video was shot on July 17, approximately two weeks after the iPhone went on sale in the United States.

While this means Soulja Boy may not have been the first rapper with an iPhone, he was among the first, and probably received it from Steve Jobs himself. Apple has been known to collaborate with stars to promote products and has done so repeatedly throughout its history.

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