Apple iCloud, Photos services outage made them slow or unavailable

By Mike Peterson

Apple acknowledged that some of its iCloud services were experiencing an issue on Monday that could make them slow or unavailable for users.

Apple iCloud

Apple iCloud

According to Apple's system status page, services like iCloud Backup, iCloud Bookmarks & Tabs, iCloud Drive, iCloud Keychain, and Photos are current having problems that are affecting "some users."

The status board indicates that the problems started around 2:54 a.m. Pacific Time on Monday, Jan. 10. That means the outages have been ongoing for more than eight hours.

Apple hasn't provided any additional details concerning the problem, other than the fact that it could make accessing the aforementioned iCloud services slower -- if they're available at all.

The issues were resolved around 10PM Eastern Time on Monday.

Update January 10, 11:00 PM: Updated with issue fix.