Apple has released two new iPhone 13 adverts championing the device's durability, and splash resistance, and advising people to "relax - it's an iPhone."

Where Apple's Emmy-nominated "iPhone 13 - Detectives" ad barely shows the phone until the last moments, both the new "Edge" and "Shake" foreground it.
"Edge" shows nothing but the iPhone 13 vibrating as a call comes in, with the vibrations steadily taking it closer and closer to falling off a table. Then "Shake" uses shots of the iPhone for ominous foreshadowing as we see a dog dive into a swimming pool.
Set to the soundtrack of "Cold as Ice" by Bekon, the dog has a great time but we - and its iPhone using owner -- know what's coming next. "Shake" sees owner and iPhone drenched by the dog.
Apple is careful to specify in the ad that the iPhone 13 is "splash resistant," and it does not, for instance, show the device going in the swimming pool. The "Edge" ad implies that the iPhone falls on to a hard kitchen surface, but does not show the impact.
It's true that iPhones are more water resistant now than ever -- see how much more. And they are also more rugged, with iPhones surviving ever harder drop tests.
An iPhone has even survived being dropped from a light aircraft onto a runway.
But let pilots and testers and the unlucky drop their iPhones while everyone else protects theirs.