Apple says software fix for iPhone 4 proximity sensor is coming

By AppleInsider Staff

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said on Friday that his company is aware of problems with the proximity sensor on the iPhone 4, and that they are working on a software fix that is expected to be included in the next iOS update.

The statements from Jobs were the first official confirmation from Apple on the issue that users have been experiencing since the handset first launched in late June. Users have found that the touchscreen on their iPhone 4 will sometimes activate while on a call, resulting in accidentally pressed buttons that can place a call on hold or even end it.

Jobs also revealed that the white iPhone 4 is on track to ship by the end of July. Quantities of the model will be limited at first, but will ramp up over time.

And on July 30, the iPhone 4 will launch in 17 more countries, suggesting that the widely reported antenna issues with the handset will not delay the international expansion as some had predicted may happen.