Jobs calls Bloomberg story 'total bull,' says NYT 'making things up'

By Neil Hughes

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs publicly responded to an article that claimed he and other executives knew about the iPhone 4 antenna issues before the device was released, calling the piece "total bulls---."

Apple had already publicly denied the Bloomberg report on Thursday, but at Friday's iPhone 4 press conference, Jobs offered more candid remarks on the subject. Jobs made the comments as part of a question-and-answer session following Friday's press conference, which included Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook and Senior Vice President of Macintosh Hardware Engineering Bob Mansfield.

"It's a total crock," Jobs reportedly said about the story. "We talked to everyone about it. We have a great community of scientists. They debate everything. And it's healthy. The best ideas win."

Bloomberg had claimed, in a story filed on Thursday, that Jobs and other Apple executives were warned that the design of the iPhone 4 could lead to reception problems. The report also alleged that a carrier partner of Apple's had expressed concern about the iPhone 4 external antenna before the device launched in late June.

Jobs also referred to an article from The New York Times issued later Thursday, which said the antenna issues were partially software related, and could be fixed in a forthcoming update to the iOS mobile operating system. "They're just making things up," Jobs said of the Times article.

Other interesting comments made during the hourlong question-and-answer session at Friday's press conference: