Cold water poured on rumors of Sept 7 Apple media event

By AppleInsider Staff

An Apple media event looks unlikely to happen on Sept. 7, with a new report claiming the company has no plans for that particular day.

The well-sourced Jim Dalrymple at The Loop reported on Friday that he was told by sources that Apple will not have an event on Sept. 7, nor will it launch its next-generation iPhone.

"It's hard to say how that specific date was chosen by the sites that started the rumor, other than it fits into the timeline of previous Apple events," he wrote. "Typically Apple uses its September event to launch new iPods for the Christmas shopping season, but it is widely expected that the company will use this year's event to launch a new iPhone.

The report offered no indication of when Apple might in fact hold such an event. But it did specifically dispute a previous rumor that Apple would hold an event on Sept. 7, started by Japanese Mac site Kodawarisan.

Last year's iPod media event was held on Sept. 1, and previous events were also held in the first week of the month. But 2011 is already unique, as it is the first time Apple did not launch a new iPhone in the U.S. in the June-July timeframe.

Rumors this year are scattershot, with some claims that the next iPhone will launch in September, and others expecting the new hardware to go on sale in October. There have also been conflicting reports with regard to the fifth-generation iPhone hardware, as some rumors have called for a minor upgrade to the iPhone 4, while others have suggested it could be a significant revision with a new design and thinner form factor.

Lending support to rumors that the new hardware will sport a different design, numerous cases from third-party manufacturers have appeared in China, suggesting the device will sport curved sides with a flat back. The next iPhone is also expected to feature the dual-core A5 processor already at use in the iPad 2, as well as a higher resolution 8 megapixel camera.