Last call: 18 hours left to get the lowest prices anywhere on Apple's MacBooks with coupons

By AppleInsider Staff

Exclusive 3% discount coupons from MacMall that offer AppleInsider readers additional discounts -- and the lowest prices anywhere -- on Apple's MacBook Air and MacBook Pros will expire for the year in less than 18 hours.

MacMall's 3% coupons for AppleInsider readers have now expired as of Nov. 22nd at midnight. However, closeout deals from B&H on MacBook Airs and MacBook Pros remain active, below.

To take advantage of the offer, AppleInsider readers can click through the MacMall links in this article (see insert below) or our Mac Price Guides and then enter Promo / Coupon Code APPLEINSIDER01 on MacMall's product page for that model to save an additional 3% off the retailer's already discounted prices. This promo, which expires at midnight Pacific time on November 22, 2014, ahead of Black Friday, produces $40-80 savings on MacBook Airs, $75-$140 savings on 13-inch MacBook Pros and $65-$204 savings on 15-inch MacBook Pros, before any tax-benefits are factored in. For most models, these prices are the lowest prices available anywhere (but readers should always double check with our Price Guides). MacMall also won't collect sales tax on orders if you live outside CA, CO, GA, IL, MN, NC, NY, TN, and WI. This typically will save readers an additional $80-250 depending on the price of the Mac they choose.

While Black Friday has traditionally seen steep discounts on a handful of Mac configurations from Apple and various resellers, many readers looking for configurations other than Apple's few retail configurations have benefited in recent years from capitalizing on AppleInsider's coupon promotion before it expires, as the annual shopping holiday often sees prices rise on some of these configurations to offset those that are market down. It also affords readers the added benefit of securing their Mac of choice and avoiding stock outs during the Black Friday shopping frenzy. Among the models currently in stock and available for the promotion are:

MacBook Pros

13" MacBook Pro w/ Disc Drive2.5GHz 13" (4GB/500GB HDD) for $1,013.64* [$99.01 Savings]13" MacBook Pros2.6GHz 13" (8GB, 128GB) for $1,163.99* [$135.01 Savings]

2.6GHz 13" (8GB, 256GB) for $1,377.39* [$121.70 Savings]

2.6GHz 13" (16GB, 128GB) for $1,425.89* [$73.11 Savings]

2.6GHz 13" (16GB, 256GB) for $1,600.49* [$98.51 Savings]

2.8GHz 13" (8GB, 128GB) for $1,285.24* [$113.76 Savings]

2.8GHz 13" (8GB, 512GB) for $1,658.69* [$140.31 Savings]

2.8GHz 13" (8GB, 1TB) for $2,182.49* [$116.51 Savings]

2.8GHz 13" (16GB, 512GB) for $1,891.49* [$107.51 Savings]

3.0GHz 13" (8GB, 512GB) for $1,934.18* [$64.82 Savings]

3.0GHz 13" (16GB, 256GB) for $1,891.49* [$107.51 Savings]

3.0GHz 13" (16GB, 512GB) for $2,085.49* [$113.51 Savings]

3.0GHz 13" (16GB, 1TB) for $2,570.49* [$128.51 Savings]

* Price after clicking the links above and then applying coupon / promo code APPLEINSIDER01 15" MacBook Pros2.2GHz 15" (16GB, 256GB) for $1,794.49* [$204.51 Savings]

2.2GHz 15" (16GB, 512GB) for $2,163.09* [$135.91 Savings]

2.2GHz 15" (16GB, 1TB) for $2,648.09* [$150.91 Savings]

2.5GHz 15" (16GB, 256GB) for $1,969.09* [$129.91 Savings]

2.5GHz 15" (16GB, 512GB) for $2,309.99* [$89.01 Savings]

2.5GHz 15" (16GB, 1TB) for $2,745.09* [$153.91 Savings]

2.5GHz 15" (16GB, 512GB, 750M) for $2,303.74* [$195.26 Savings]

2.5GHz 15" (16GB, 1TB, 750M) for $2,842.09* [$156.91 Savings]

2.8GHz 15" (16GB, 256GB) for $2,182.49* [$116.51 Savings]

2.8GHz 15" (16GB, 512GB) for $2,454.09* [$144.91 Savings]

2.8GHz 15" (16GB, 512GB, 750M) for $2,521.03* [$177.97 Savings]

2.8GHz 15" (16GB, 1TB) for $2,939.09* [$159.91 Savings]

2.8GHz 15" (16GB, 1TB, 750M) for $3,006.99* [$192.01 Savings]

* Price after clicking the links above and then applying coupon / promo code APPLEINSIDER01 MacBook Pro Closeouts & Blowouts

Additionally, MacBook Pro shoppers looking for exceptional value can check out a handful of remaining closeouts (limited to existing supply) from both MacMall (*) and B&H (+), which are largely identical to current models with the exception of CPU speed bumps:

2.4GHz 13" (4GB,128GB) for $1,059.00+ [$240 Savings]

2.4GHz 13" (8GB, 256GB) for $1,149.00+ [$350.00 Savings] Price Expired.

2.6GHz 13" (8GB, 512GB) for $1,448.00+ [$350.00 Savings]

2.0GHz 15" (8GB, 256GB) for $1,499.00+ [$500.00 Savings]

2.3GHz 15" (16GB, 512GB, 750M) for $1,999.00+ [$600.00 Savings]

2.6GHz 15" (8GB, 512GB) for $2,199.00+ [$400.00 Savings]

2.6GHz 15" (16GB, 1TB, 750M) for $2,799.00+ [$500.00 Savings]

* Price after clicking the links above and then applying coupon / promo code APPLEINSIDER01

+ Instant discounts and no sales tax collected on orders shipped to every state by NY.

MacBook Airs

11-inch MacBook Airs11" Air (1.40GHz/4GB/128GB) for $814.79* [$84.21 Savings]

11" Air (1.40GHz/8GB/128GB) for $950.59* [$48.41 Savings]

11" Air (1.40GHz/4GB/256GB) for $1,008.79* [$99.01 Savings]

11" Air (1.40GHz/8GB/256GB) for $1,144.59* [$54.41 Savings]

11" Air (1.70GHz/8GB/512GB) for $1,581.09* [$67.91 Savings]

* Price after clicking the links above and then applying coupon / promo code APPLEINSIDER01 13-inch MacBook Airs13" Air (1.40GHz/4GB/128GB) for $921.49* [$77.51 Savings]

13" Air (1.40GHz/8GB/128GB) for $1,042.74* [$56.26 Savings]

13" Air (1.40GHz/4GB/256GB) for $1,105.79* [$93.21 Savings]

13" Air (1.40GHz/8GB/512GB) for $1,546.18* [$52.82 Savings]

13" Air (1.70GHz/8GB/128GB) for $1,183.39* [$65.61 Savings]

13" Air (1.70GHz/8GB/256GB) for $1,377.39* [$71.61 Savings]

13" Air (1.70GHz/8GB/512GB) for $1,668.39* [$80.61 Savings]

* Price after clicking the links above and then applying coupon / promo code APPLEINSIDER01

Of course, our Price Guides ( and Deal Tracker ( will be continuously updated throughout the holiday shopping season.