Apple's recently released photo-book, "Designed by Apple in California," is now available in a number of additional global markets, continuing an expansion from what was initially a limited run.
Some of the new countries include Brazil, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Singapore. The book can be ordered online and in some cases purchased directly from local Apple retail stores. In Canada, for instance, the book is already available at the Yorkdale outlet in Toronto.
"Designed by Apple in California" originally shipped in Nov. 2016, and has since come to a number of regions beyond Apple's U.S. home, such as Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the U.K. Retail availability was highly restricted at first, confined to high-profile U.S. Apple stores and a handful of international locations.
The book is available in 10.2-by-12.8- and 13-by-16.3-inch formats, with U.S. prices of $199 and $299, respectively. Each features 450 product photos by Andrew Zuckerman, cataloging 20 years of Apple products including Macs, iPhones, iPods and more, sometimes breaking them down into individual components.
Though it's not clear how well the title is selling, it was immediately parodied in the media. Some critics accused it of being expensive, self-promotional, and/or a collection of images that can often be found online for free.