HomeKit compatible Incipio CommandKit Smart Wall Switch and Wireless Smart Power Strip debut

By Mike Wuerthele

Incipio has expanded its CommandKit home automation solutions suite with the HomeKit-compatible Smart Wall Switch and Wireless Smart Power Strip.

Unveiled at the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show, the the CommandKit Smart Wall Switch provides home automation functionality, such as powering and dimming lights, to an entire room and features a motion sensor to trigger functionality to additional HomeKit-compatible products. The Incipio CommandKit Smart Power Strip includes four Smart outlets to control home appliances and offers users the ability to control each outlet discretely.

The pair join the company's existing CommandKit Smart Outlet and Smart Light Bulb Adapter. The system is also compatible with Amazon's Alexa family of devices.

Stand-alone apps for the pair are available, and require iOS 9.1 or above.

The Incipio CommandKit Smart Wall Switch with Dimming has a suggested retail price of $59.99, with the Wireless Smart Power Strip retailing for $99.99. Both are anticipated to ship in the second quarter of 2018.