Eve app update brings smart watering schedule to Eve Aqua

By Andrew O'Hara

The popular Eve HomeKit app was just updated to include new smart watering with scheduling based on weather, as well as more contextual actions and improvements.

Eve Aqua gets better with version 4.4

Eve Aqua gets better with version 4.4

With version 4.4 of the Eve app, users of the Eve Aqua are able to schedule their watering based around the forecast. If the forecast is expecting rain, Eve Aqua will suspend its schedule, preventing the unneeded watering and elevated water bill.

Here's how Eve describes the new feature.

If you run the new shortcut before noon, the chance of rain is checked for that day and - depending on the value - watering will be paused for that day. If you run the shortcut after noon, the chance of rain for the next day is checked and - depending on the value - watering will be paused for both days

Eve Aqua is also now tied closer to Siri Shortcuts. With the new built-in Shortcut, users can ask Siri to check watering and pause the schedule for today, or today and tomorrow based on that weather.

Other changes in this update include more context actions. The previous Eve update brought context menus throughout the Eve app. Now there are more options available. Opening the menu on the app icon can allow you to quickly switch homes. You can also copy and paste colors through different HomeKit lights.

Eve 4.4 minor changes

The new Eve app 4.4 update is available now for iPhone and iPad.