MacBook Pro shipping delays caused by UPS 'mechanical' problems

By William Gallagher

UPS has reportedly been updating some MacBook Pro buyers, saying the unexpected delays to their orders were caused by unspecified "mechanical failures."

Apple relies heavily on air freight (here with iPhone 12) Source: Apple

Apple relies heavily on air freight (here with iPhone 12) Source: Apple

A number of people expecting to receive their new MacBook Pro on their first day of availability, October 26, instead just got emailed about delays. In each case, the emails contained a new delivery date in December, but no further details.

Now according to MacRumors, distribution company UPS has been following up Apple's initial email with ones giving slightly more information.

"A mechanical failure has caused a delay," one email reportedly says. "We will update the delivery date as soon as possible."

Users tracking their orders say that they are being told the MacBook Pro is back in China, after presumably having left. Specifically, they are listed as being in Shanghai and Seoul, South Korea.

It appears likely that the mechanical issues are to do with aircraft.

There do not appear to be many UPS flights scheduled to depart from these cities. One flight that had been scheduled from Seoul to the UPS hub in Cologne, Germany, has reportedly been canceled.

AppleInsider has reached out to UPS and Apple for more information.