iOS 15.4 beta 2 adds framework for Tap to Pay on iPhone

By Wesley Hilliard

Tap to Pay on iPhone code was discovered in the iOS 15.4 second developer beta indicating Apple could launch the feature with the next version of its operating system.

Tap to Pay on iPhone code discovered in iOS 15.4 beta

Apple indicated that the Tap to Pay on iPhone feature would launch in the spring, with Stripe as one of the first adopters. Code in the iOS 15.4 beta shows that the feature may launch with the public release of that update.

The code was discovered by MacRumors contributor Steve Moser. It included images that show off the interface and a "PaymentRecieved" sound file.

Other discovered snippets included:

Apple announced the Tap to Pay on iPhone feature earlier on Tuesday indicating it would be available later in 2022. Stripe is the first payment platform that will offer the feature with more to come later in the year.