Apple announces 'tell-all' book companion to hit 'Severance' drama

By William Gallagher

Apple TV+

hit "Severance" still has several episodes to go, but Apple Books is already publishing what purports to be the insider's view of what is really happening at the mysterious "Lumon" company.

"Severance" is writer/creator Dan Erikson's drama that was borne of his own "corporate misery." Now a character working on the inside of the fictitious "Lumon" company setting, is publishing a book about what "really" goes on there.

The book is due to be published on Apple Books on March 18, 2022. At time of writing, the title is not yet available, however. Either Apple has scheduled the release for later in the day -- or Lumon has caught on to what's happening.

Erikson's original -- and quite different -- script to the first episode can now be read online, too. Note that although it begins in a different way to the series, elements in it may well be spoilers for the remainder of the show.

The sixth episode of "Severance" was released on March 18, 2022, and three more are following weekly on Fridays.